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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Assessment 2: Apendix 1 - Comment List



Peer blogs

tokyo345 said...

Hello Karen,
I also think blog gives opportunities for students to share ideas with teachers easily because of its easy function to contain many different materials from sound effect to videos. It also enhance students' learning engagement to keep on writing as a personal journal.

August 23, 2010 8:02 PM

tokyo345 said...

Hello Karen,

Images are useful resources to use in any types of learning. I agree with you. We have to be aware of copyright on each image. In classrooms, when students would like to use photos from the web, the teacher also has to be careful about the use of photos gained from the web and it connects to safety use of photos as well.

August 23, 2010 8:49 PM

tokyo345 said...

Hello Ash,
You are right. Especially, digital videos can show students more information about a topic. Since videos are visual images, they have an impact of learning. Probably, in your teaching area, students can develop their understanding on professional techniques by engaging learning through watching videos.

August 23, 2010 8:59 PM

tokyo345 said...

Hello Tae-san,
Blogs, wikis and weebly webpages are powerful tools for both teachers and students to use in classrooms. It is a great idea that web-based applications enable us to engage in learning at anywhere and anytime, which also enhances to life-long learning. I agree with your point of view. Without the fast Internet, people cannot enjoy benefits from those websites. Schools have to ensure all the students have access to the web.

August 23, 2010 9:09 PM

tokyo345 said...

Hello Tae-san,
I agree with your experience that you found PowerPoint was the most powerful tool.
PowerPoint might be one of commonly-used applications installed on a computer;however, it supports students' learning, especially when they work on making a presentation. PoiwerPoint can include images, videos, charts, texts and so on. All those materials on Power Point slides can make an impact on an audience. Also, the slides are helpful for the audience to understand.

August 23, 2010 9:17 PM

tokyo345 said...

Hello Aoi-san,

I agree with your idea. Wiki accepts more people's interaction. This means it is a good idea to apply the use of Wiki for group activities! Weebly also achieves a collaborative group learning like project-based assignment, or just simply a classroom website for a particular topic.

I also thought Big six theory was more clear. It shapes any learning stage and provides what will be strategies to apply.


August 23, 2010 9:28 PM

tokyo345 said...

Hello Aoi-san,

Since my first discipline is also Japanese, I agree with your way of using the picture above.
The pedagogical use of images and podcast is what I would like to try in my future teaching. Authentic experience is what students need to gain when they learn, and teachers have to give those experiences in the context of teaching. When we examined the usefulness of the two applications, I though it would be a wonderful idea to use for resource sharing.


August 23, 2010 9:36 PM

My blog

tokyo345 said...

Thank you for your comment, Aoi-san.
One of my lecturers during Term 1 advised me to put minimum information on PowerPoint slides, but they have to contain necessary information of my oral speech, which was challenging for me to achieve at first. However, after taking this course, I came to the conclusion that allocation of resources(images, charts and so on) and the amount of text have to keep a good balance. Otherwise, the entire audience cannot grasp an overview of what I say.

August 23, 2010 9:49 PM

tokyo345 said...

Thank you for your comments, Tae, Aoi and Charleen.

Since images have an impact on people's mind, visual images may be used to stimulate classroom discussions as well in my future teaching! We have learnt that using a variety of resources is an effective strategy to apply. Therefore, it sounds a great idea to show images to students, and they can receive more information about what they learn. It also leads to real-life experience if a topic relates to a subject like social study.

August 23, 2010 10:10 PM

tokyo345 said...

Thank you for your comment, Aoi-san.

Yes, your idea to utilise podcast sounds a great idea. It is a great source to use for listening comprehension. An image is very clear and obvious to tell what it is. On the other hand, podcast is an audio device without any pictures. Therefore, it can stimulate students' concentration on catching important information from the listening.

August 23, 2010 10:15 PM

tokyo345 said...

Thank you for your comments, Tae, Aoi and Rockyroad.

Youtube can add real-life contexts to our learning. It also enables us to realise what is happening without having to go somewhere physically. As my discipline is Japanese, which is obviously language learning, I need to give students opportunities to use knowledge meaningfully. Youtube is one of solutions to create positive-reinforced situations that students are to use what they learn as knowledge meaningfully. Rockyroad, I thank you for providing an idea from DOL 5.

August 23, 2010 10:42 PM

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